
Dr Sandile Buthelezi

Director General

Dr. Buthelezi is a seasoned public health medical practitioner with more than 15 years’ experience in health governance, policy, and programme management. After serving as a clinician and later Medical Superintendent in various hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal and the Free State province, he served for 10 years as KwaZulu-Natal’s provincial head of Strategic Health Programmes which encompassed HIV, TB, maternal child and women’s health, nutrition, and communicable diseases programmes .

Before joining SANAC, Dr. Buthelezi had been South Africa’s Country Director for ICAP at Columbia University, which is a division of the New York-based Mailman School of Public Health since 2014. Prior to this, Dr. Buthelezi worked as the Senior Technical Lead for the DFID-funded SARRAH programme which was implemented by Mott-McDonald supporting the health reforms in South Africa.

Amongst others, Dr Buthelezi has served in the following portfolios:

  • Clinician – hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal and the Free State province
  • Director – Programs for multi-country AIDS programme – ICAP at Columbia University
  • Senior Technical Lead – DFID funded SARRAH programme which supported SA’s health reforms
  • Health Systems Management and Governance Specialist – Institute for Youth Development South Africa (IYDSA) and the
  • Foundation for Professional Development (FPD)
  • During his tenure as SANAC CEO, Dr Buthelezi served as the Chairperson of the Global Fund ( CCM) Country Coordination Mechanism.