
Mr Moremi Nkosi

Chief Director: Healthcare Benefits and Provider Payment Design


BA (Economics & Development Studies), MPH (Health Economics), PGDip (Health Management)

Moremi Nkosi is the Chief Director: Health Care Benefits and Provider Payment Design in the National Department of Health. He is a Health Economist by training, possessing a Master of Public Health specialising in Health Economics and a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Management from the University of Cape Town. He has extensive experience in the health policy and health financing space, having worked on the National Health Insurance policy processes since the early days. 

Deputy Director General:
National Health Insurance

Professor Nicholas Crisp

Technical Advisor:

Dr Aquina Thulare

Chief Director:
User and Service Provider Management

Dr Grace Labadarios

Chief Director:
Health Products Procurement

Ms Khadija Jamaloodien

Chief Director:
Health Systems Digital Information

Ms Milani Wolmarans

Chief Director:
Risk and Fraud Management
