
Dr Grace Labadarios

Chief Director: User and Service Provider Management


MBChB, DRCOG, MRCGP, MMed (Public Health)


Grace completed her medical degree in 1992 at the University of Stellenbosch, following which she worked in the British National Health Service.  During this time she specialised as a GP, which provided experience in all levels of hospitals and a variety of general practices, including six months in the Outer Hebrides.  After specialising she worked in urban and semi-urban practices in the UK. 

In 2011, she returned to South Africa to work with COHSASA developing an accreditation programme for General Practices, and later coordinated the development and review of various sets of standards.  In 2015 she joined the Office of Health Standards Compliance as Director: Health Standards Development and Training.  In 2020 she joined the WHO as the National Consultant: Quality Improvement to assist implementation of the National Health Quality Improvement Plan.

Deputy Director General:
National Health Insurance

Professor Nicholas Crisp

Technical Advisor:

Dr Aquina Thulare

Chief Director:
Healthcare Benefits and Provider Payment Design

Mr Moremi Nkosi

Chief Director:
Health Products Procurement

Ms Khadija Jamaloodien

Chief Director:
Health Systems Digital Information

Ms Milani Wolmarans

Chief Director:
Risk and Fraud Management
